Monday, 28 November 2016


Joints which are flexible part which we rely more on joints like hands, legs also joints plays major role in our body where it connects to other parts bones etc that makes human to do possible task like complicated or basic one.Extreme Pain in such joints make a person immobilize and keeps on nagging in being lazy.The pain which indicates a person in distressed mood seems to have experienced as a result of damage to the cartilage lining in bones due to tumors, arthritis, or fracture.Advantage of gaining specialized services of one of the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon In Chennai will help in restoring normalcy.Astra Ortho N Spine Center be mainly focused in treating with Orthopedic issues which are any kind of problems, as we are specialized in the field of providing best set of services from our team of trained and expertise doctors and staffs with taking great care in professional and friendly manner in order to make a patient comfortable with the treatment.All problems are not being treated with surgical issues until it is based on certain stage, based on the issue, and after a detailed check up on the patient takes the decision.Our best set of doctors being suggested mostly with non surgical treatments like physical exercises without any medications makes you feel strong.Only if issue results to complex one then we moves with surgical treatments as no need of being worried or feared of surgeries as we own with Best Joint Replacement Surgeon In Chennai as also so far being treated in well versed manner.We proudly being said by clients as they receive complete freedom of getting cured while they visit us.Based on the experience we gained we make it quite possible in bringing to normalcy.Believing Astra will not only respect your values also be effective in getting treated with affordable cost.

Contact Us:

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Spine related issues are highly sensitive though also results people in struggling through pain, makes nagging continuously throughout the day feels uncomfortable in doing your daily activities.All such pains were not simply be relieved with medications as it may even lead to complex issue.All to do is that should be well treated before you reach the risk.As we suggested Spine is an sensitive tissue as also related issues in spine may suggest with surgical treatments, rightly treating with surgeries is not that much easy and even with such treatments people won’t believe with it.But we assure you that we provide the best treatment and over the experience we crossed over makes us proud that we are capable in dealing with spine related problems without any hassle.We, Astra Ortho N Spine Center are specialized in handling Pain Management Specialist In Chennai and also owning well versed Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai under Best Spine Hospital In Chennai.People who visited in Astra will not be taking second choice in treatment as we completely offers solution in relieving back your pain in being normal.Normally people people won’t feel free in getting treated with a surgeon as they slight fear in gettig treated but we makes it simple and comfortable also be maintaining professional and friendly care towards patients to offer the best service whatever we are possible at.Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai can only be makeover with Astra and will return back with complete fulfillment and satisfaction with low affordable cost.

Contact Us

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Orthopedics is a condition involved and concerned with Musculoskeletal system.Which related to ligaments, joints etc if any issue rises in such parts we visit orthopedics surgeon.Surgeons who are in the field moves with both set of treatments like Surgical and Non Surgical Treatments means to treat Musculoskeletal trauma, Spine Diseases, Infection, Tumors, Degenerative Diseases, Sports Injuries, or general Disorders.Normally people would fear to visit orthopedic surgeon as or for surgical issues and they plan to go with homemade treatments.All such won’t work for so long, some may be complex issue or minor that should be consulted before falling in risk, well treated as soon as possible people came to know about the issue.We, Astra Ortho N Spine Center providing specialized care in Orthopedics and mainly being introduced this hospital in thought of serving people with great care.Astra is well known for so far visited customers as Best Ortho Hospital In Chennai and relieved back with satisfaction and freedom in relieving back from pain forever.We own experts and trained staff who had faced with great experience with patients with latest equipment’s consisting in our center.Astra offers and treats with professional care like proper check up before going with treatments and visiting patient’s medical history based on the patient’s issue we will then move up with friendly care in assisting treatments whether may be Surgical or Non- Surgical.Best Ortho Hospital In Chennai respects your values and pain but not the money you spend on it.With the treatment and the way of approach we show towards the issue it is sure you will gain believe in relieving back without any hassle.Astra also proud in being handling with Best Orthopedic Surgeon In Chennai with treatments assisting in affordable cost now in velachery.

Contact Us

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Though people will tired of getting treat under such hospitals which costs high but no way of curing it.Some being stressed in searching best solution for spine related problems and issues.Then you have come to right place within this people who are suffering need not be visited another site for treatment.We, Astra Ortho N Spine Center are damn sure in relieving back the issue and provides full freedom for the patient.Were you can also gain extreme satisfaction after being treated under our Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai.Astra handling team of experts with high qualified and trained doctors and staffs to deal with Orthopedics and Spinal related issues with latest equipment’s which makes the world has to offer in these fields.Not everyone could treat such major and complex issues such that only who are expertise, talented and knowledgeable and who can handle any kind of issue easily can only be Best Spine Hospital In Chennai.Provides another set of treatments for Neck Pain Treatment In Chennai, Back Pain Treatment In Chennai and also been appreciated for being handling with Best Ortho Hospital In Chennai with great care.Among that our Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai are dedicated for the Best Spine Surgery as they have Medical milestones to their credits for Lumbar Disc Replacement, Several Cervical Disc Replacements and they can even perform the full range of spinal surgeries for major spine related issues to minimal way of surgery.Our vision is mainly our services should benefit our people in order to stay healthy until they live.

Contact Us

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Monday, 14 November 2016


Continues Issue being faced in Back Pain, Or still seeking for Affordable cost Back Pain Treatment In Chennai here is an solution.If not pain occurs still trying with home remedies or thinking of something magic would happen to relieve back pain to normal.With all such would happen in some rare cases may be it will be a minor problem.We are not pointing out only people that they are still lazy in treating themselves where we try to convey that the treatment should be done at the earliest part of pain occurs wherein patients falls in risk.Nowadays pain is normally being occurred in such parts like Joints, Neck, Shoulder and Thighs would nag people always be completely forced towards lying in their beds.Such could not only be depressed and will loss concentration on your daily activities.Where such could be treated in the right hands with right rates then it could be successfully end with satisfaction.Where you can find the only one place in Chennai who are contributing their part towards treating patients who are quite suffering through.We, Astra Ortho N Spine Center are proudly being announced as we are specialized in the form in presenting Back Pain Treatment In Chennai as a dedication service which completely relieves people back to normal, where our vision is to people should stay healthy until they live.We are capable and expertise in treating Pain Management Specialist In Chennai, where you could not found any hassle while the treatment being undergone.We are highly qualified, trained doctors and staff who well deals with Orthopedics and Spinal problems, with latest equipment’s the world as to offer in these fields.We are here to handle with care, and diagnose in according to patient’s history and being planned to treatments.Believe in Astra where we present full freedom i relieving back.

Contact Us
ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center
9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Thursday, 10 November 2016


It has been quite a hub in all over the world were quite facing with same set of problem.People who are suffering with extreme low back pain is quite a complex issue it may not be cured as simple as it is.It should be quite consulted with best doctors or who are specialized in the field of spine related problems.Whether the pain is nagging years or months that should be known or consulted before you going for treatments which is referred by others.Only experts can feel over the pain which you have and can be cured over it.No more worries even it is complex issue their are fine doctors in this world but damn sure not everyone would suppose could support you properly or can make without pain, where proper treatment should be taken over to relieve back from that issue.Where i can present you with an option to make your life more happier with no pain, Astra Ortho N Spine Center are one among the Best Spine Hospital In Chennai comparing to others they also handle well and good Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai who just simply handles more complex issues with their expertise knowledge so far in the field.Their may be any kind of situation a patient may be faced with, we handle with care as by taking a look at patient’s history our well talented team decides whether to move with Surgical issues or can be cured with Non-surgical issues.With one of the Best Spine Surgeon In Chennai, We Astra Hospital provides patients access with latest surgical procedures that are practiced worldwide.Make sure you will the freedom of relieving back from the issue if you visit Astra Hospital.

Contact Us:

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Best ortho hospital in Chennai | Astra Hospital

To take treatment for knee pain, neck pain, back pain choose the best ortho hospital in Chennai. Many ortho hospitals provides better services. Which one suits your requirements as well as giving good treatment select that hospital. Astra Hospital providing very good patient care compared to other hospitals. In this hospital, doctors are well experienced and trained professionals. Each surgeons are best in their field. Each and every ortho problem, they have separate experts to solve the patient's problem. Many people are prefered this hospital. Because, the main reason is, the way they treating the patients. Compared to other hospital, they charge affordable cost. Highly advanced equipments are used for treatments. Apart from that, the hospital facilities are good. Within the hospital, they having the scan and x-ray center,medical, blood test center etc. Many of the patients after getting the treatment in this hospital, they are totally fine. So, select the hospital, before take treatment for your problem. If you choose wrong hospital, that will spoil your health as well as your life. Think twice before take decision.   

  Contact Us
  Astra Ortho n spine center
  No.9, Radha mohan street,
  Sankaran avenue
  Velachery Bypass road

Monday, 7 November 2016


Pain is a complex issue which keeps on nagging a person as such person can’t concentrate and peacefully work through it.Pain which can physically and mentally be disturbed for a person who continuously suffering out of it such issue should be sorted out as early as possible if any misguidance or mistreated would be falls down to risk.Pain Management Specialist In Chennai will not be properly managed by everyone it can be controlled and handled well by only experts who respect towards their commitment towards their patients.We, Astra Ortho N Spine Center be truthfully handling in this field by satisfying more than thousands of customers so far with great relief.There are numerous treatments which can be homemade which makes to feels you lazy in getting treated well before it gets major issue.Chances of being affected through injuries results in chronic pain which could be barred as of for normal people such should be consulted at right time at right place only then the person gets the freedom of relieving back from the pain.Astra owns experts who are specialized and trained in the field of Orthopedics more than 20 years and they even suggests the best for the patient as per staff experience they makeover with some techniques being used with latest equipment’s to make it as high quality service for the customers who believe us.Pain Management Specialist In Chennai will not only be treated by surgeries or any other harmful equipment’s it can also be sorted out with physical exercises make through which makes simple and easy for the patient.With great care and monitoring we are here to support and guide in timely process to make people live healthy until they live.

ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center

9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333


Are you in need of facing any joint related issues and waving of hospitals to get treated with an Orthopedic doctors.No more thinking or asking reference from others it is time for you to think of it than getting suggestion from others some may be negative some may be positive where at the time of need occurs to will quite confused of dealing with it.As globally being recognized and appreciated by people we can proudly explain about our self that Astra Ortho N Spine Center, where we are one among being popular in serving patients with great care with latest equipment’s owning in our center with trained and expertise staffs handling well over from Spine related issues to neck pain and lower back pain with providing specialized treatments under low affordable cost.Best Joint Replacement Surgeon In Chennai is a renowned name earned by Astra by treating numerous customers so far and returns freedom of getting cured and relieving back home with no pain.Joint are identically said to be connected in shoulders, spine etc which leads to pain like Neck, Spine and Shoulders which keeps on nagging a person continuously should be immediately treated as misguidance or mistreated may be falls you in risk.One of the best orthopedic facilities in Chennai only be treated well by skilled and talented doctors like Astra as we handling with Best Spine Surgeons In Chennai in Best Spine Hospital In Chennai.Astra is the center of Orthopedics, Joint Replacement & Sports Medicine fuses the benefits of the latest in orthopedic technology with the expertise of leading specialists to develop a comprehensive program for the management of arthritis.You will be surely be feeling the best after visiting our Best Joint Replacement Surgeon In Chennai and will also suggest to others.Where in short period of time after the surgery patients can get back to their day to day activities which they love to do, more comfortably and confidently without any hesitation.We are here to always support you.

Contact Us
ASTRA Ortho n Spine Center
9, Radha Mohan Street,
Sankaran Avenue, Velachery Bypass Road
Chennai – 42, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone-+91 44 4217 2121
9003668686 , 9677311333