Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Best spine surgeon in Chennai | Astra Hospital

Many ways to get problem in your spinal cord. Some of the common way is to lift the heavy weight objects your spine will be suffer. You can go long drive in your bike or car, you can face the back pain problem. Its also related to spine problem. Spine consist of many bones, so the bones are damaged easily based on our work. Once you face any problem like back pain, spine problem,immediately consult with the ortho doctors. In ortho hospitals, Astra Hospital provides a better treatment compared to other hospital. In this hospital, they have highly experienced and professional doctors. They have the best spine surgeon in Chennai. Apart from that, many famous surgeons are worked in Astra Hospital. Once you choose the right hospital your problem will be solved. Spinal cord is important part of our body. If you face any problem in your spine check with the doctors in the starting stage itself. Otherwise it will be big problem in future. Take care of yourself.

For More Details
Contact Us
No.9, Radha mohan street,
Sankaran avenue
Velachery Bypass road

Phone: +91 4442172121
Mbl: 9003668686


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