Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Best Joint Replacement Surgery & Cause Of Cartilage Damage | ASTRA Hospital

Before to know how to repair cartilage damage we have to understand what cartilage is?
Cartilage is softer and its connected tissue like the joint between bones, e.g. The elbows, knees, and ankles. Cartilage damage affects a person with extreme pain, who feels like lining the end of the bones of reasons including arthritis, fracture etc. Best Joint replacement surgeon will help in restoring normalcy.

Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

There's a lot of best joint replacements which can you to step forward with no doubt in making such significant surgeries for who are suffering due to the cartilage damage. Wounded cartilage doesn't restore on its own and soon. So, nowadays with technology improvement and treatments assurance, several surgical techniques are available to repair, regenerate, and replace cartilage.
Symptoms Of Cartilage Damage:
  • Joint pain.
  • Inflammation.
  • Stiffness.
Knee Cartilage Replacement:
Before to restore knee cartilage system of damages and symptoms there are various factors to understand the original disorder as how can it actually being recovered and the person can accept the treatment variations. Because replace cartilage are not recommended for everyone, some may be majorly affected, and some are cured without further surgical operations and can be stepped out with regular medications. As doctors will consider the age of the patient, medical history, response to medication etc.

Latest Method Of Easy Going Treatment & Recovery:

Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Surgery:

The Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Surgery, commonly known as OATS or mosaicplasty are most successful in patients. This procedure is especially suitable for the younger age (younger than 40). The advantage of OATS procedure can be used to repair damaged cartilage in the knee, relieving pain and restore movement to the joint. The surgery usually is done under arthroscopy.

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Source:- https://astrahospitalblog.wordpress.com/2018/10/16/best-joint-replacement-surgery-cause-of-cartilage-damage-astra-hospital

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